God of War (PS4) - How to Earn Hacksilver Fast

God of War (PS4) - How to Earn Hacksilver Fast

Posted in god of war

Hacksilver is the primary currency in God of War. It's used for both buying and crafting new gear, and players have a variety of ways to collect this precious money. In this guide I'll explain the different ways to collect Hacksilver, including the best way to earn large sums of money quickly.

Before you start crafting new gear in God of War you'll need ample supplies of money - literally tens of thousands. Simple Green (Common) armour will cost you around 8000 silver, whilst Blue (Rare) armour will cost 12000 and top tier Gold (Epic) armour requires well over 15000+ silver. Late in the game these values increase even further, I've even seen Atreus armour that costs well over 25000.

As you progress through the game, the total amount of collected Hacksilver is clearly visible in the top right hand corner of the menu, to the right of your XP total. It's a grey icon with three white stacked bars. Although this guide isn't about XP, collecting XP will allow you to upgrade abilities such as Runes and unlock new skills. Devote as much time to collecting XP as you do Hacksilver.

How to get Hacksilver fast

Treasure map example

Treasure Maps

Without doubt the best way to earn large sums of Hacksilver is to go after Treasure Maps. These treasure hunts are similar to those seen in other open world games such as Far Cry 5. After reading details about the Treasure Hunt, players must decipher clues to search for and uncover the loot.

Additional guide: Complete list of all treasure map locations

Players can view Treasure Maps from the Goals menu and by selecting the Treasure Maps subsection. Selecting a map brings up a notebook showing details about the quest on the left page and also a list of rewards on the right hand page.

In the image above you can see that this particular hunt, called "The Boat Captains Key", offers rewards of 1 x Rare Enchantment, 1 x Leiptr Alloy, 30 x Aegir's Gold and 10,000 Hacksilver. That's a lot of Hacksilver for one quest!

Treasure map notification

It's worth noting that treasure hunts in God of War are very simple compared to say Far Cry 5. Expect to encounter small groups of enemies but the hardest part is actually finding the dig spot. See the guide above for exact details.

Treasure Map example for 20,000 Hacksilver

Treasure map example map location

Let's take a look at a good example which will earn you 20,000 Hacksilver in about 10 minutes. Go to the Landsutner Mines area of Midgard and find the treasure scroll inside. This is the start of the red arrow shown on the image above. Inside the mines, find the scroll by taking the wooden elevator next to the waterfall and ride it up to the next floor where there's a barrel, wooden door and a red flaming chest. The scroll is literally in front of the chest on the floor.

Next, take a boat trip across the small water passage and follow the route highlighted by the red arrow on the image above. Follow the trail up the cliffside, across the gap and down the zipwire to where several enemies are waiting. Defeat them and look for the pile of rubble/bones on the floor (see image below):

Dig spot for treasure

Dig them up to collect 20,000 Hacksilver, Unstable Ore and Eye of Rage.

Boost your gains even further with Luck

Luck stat

One area that is often overlooked in God of War is the Luck character stat. Like other stats, Luck can be increased by wearing armour and enchantments that cater to this particular stat. Take a close look at the Luck stat description, it reads "Increases the perk activation chance. Increases XP and Hacksilver gains.". With a higher Luck stat you'll be collecting Hacksilver at a faster rate throughout the game.

Other ways to earn Hacksilver

God of War is great at giving you many opportunities to regularly gain money as you progress through practically any activity. You'll constantly be picking up Hacksilver in small quantities from dead enemies and chests.

Below are a number of different ways to earn Hacksilver outside of Treasure Hunts.

Chests - there are several types of chest in God of War. The smaller wooden chests which are easy to break, offer the smallest rewards. These typically give you between 200-1500 Hacksilver. The larger stone chests which Kratos has to shove open, reward items and crafting materials.

Smashing pots and crates - there are loads of small pots and crates in the world. Smash these with your fist or axe it's up to you, but most destructible items will reward you with small amounts of Hacksilver.

Looting enemies - every killed enemy drops small amounts of Hacksilver, approx 100-1000. Remember to pick it up as you go.

Collectible toys - these collectible items can be sold at shops for a decent profit, approx 750+. Each region on the map has a certain number of toys to find, see the Labor list for details.

Random piles of Hacksilver - small pockets of Hacksilver are common throughout the game, particularly when venturing off the beaten track such as in caves and ancient ruins. These random piles of Hacksilver will reward you between 100-1000.