Google's New Knowledge Graph - Better Search Results for People, Places and Things

Google's New Knowledge Graph - Better Search Results for People, Places and Things

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With access to billions of websites and historical search queries, Google is the best search engine when it comes to finding the search results we want. The new Knowledge Graph system will provide even more accurate search results that are found using semantic capabilities.

The new Knowledge Graph will be released in the United States first and then subsequently to the rest of the world. Just like the Panda update, Knowledge Graph will completely change the way search results are found.

Rather than displaying results using the usual search algorithm, the new Knowledge Graph will be able to predict related search results for a particular topic. So for example, if you searched for Big Ben, you would immediately see facts, photos and a map of the famous landmark. Google knows that Big Ben is a landmark.

As always, Google's goal is to bring you the information you want with the least amount of clicks. There's also a new summary section which displays a brief summary of the topic. So for example, if you searched for Big Ben, you would see photos, location and a short description. This will help avoid a lot of clicks to Wikipedia just to find out a short piece of information.

Google's Knowledge Graph has been described by many as the first step towards a Star Trek computer future. But in many ways, it's very similar to the Wolfram Alpha search engine which attempts to answer factual questions based on structured data and historical information.

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