New Alien Extinction Mode Included in COD Ghosts

New Alien Extinction Mode Included in COD Ghosts

Posted in cod ghosts

Sounds like Infinity Ward are bringing us an alien mode to Call of Duty Ghosts, out on Nov 5th. Based on the popular success of zombies (which is included in all of Treyarchs games) the Extinction mode could pit 4 players against a horde of aliens in a survival mini-game.

Although still unconfirmed, leaked images have shown the hidden Ghosts menu and achievements list for Extinction. Many believe the mini-game will tie into the single player story with its futuristic setting but the achievements point more to a mini-game mode, just like zombies.

Unlike Treyarch's survival games where players try and survive to the highest level, the Extinction end-game is to escape from the map alive. Maps will be bigger than zombies, with players having to move from area to area to reach the evacuation point.

Traps are included in Extinction mode along with sci-fi style relics and collectable items. It's got a Predator feel to it which many fans will enjoy.

These are the secret achievements for Extinction:

No Man Left

The No Man Left achievement is earned when all four players escape from the map alive.

Cabin Fever & City Dweller

These two achievements are earned by making it to certain locations, the cabin or the city. We know the first Extinction map is pretty big, and you're going to need to plough through the alien hordes to reach certain checkpoints or mission critical areas.

Rather than needing to be revived, it's possible that you'll have checkpoints in Extinction mode to re-continue from certain locations.

Sprinter & Make it Out Alive

To earn the Sprinter achievement you must reach the exfill chopper with 1 minute and 30 seconds or more remaining on the clock. The exfill chopper is the helicopter that takes soldiers away from a conflict area and it's the final location you need to reach.

Make it Out Alive simply means you escape the map the 1st time - without bleeding out or using a checkpoint.


Complete all the Extinction challenges and make it out alive. Simply earn all the achievements in a single game and make it out alive.

Any means necessary

Get 50 kills with the electric fence and fire traps in a single game. All but confirms that zombie style traps are also included in Extinction.

Trash Picker

Scavenge 40 items in a single game. These could be tactical grenades, equipment or weapons - no clarification yet but it's possible that alien weaponry may be useable.

Throttles Escape

Escape using a relic.

Extinction Features

  • 1-4 Players, round based mini-game
  • Increasingly harder levels, similar to zombies
  • Includes challenges (similar to Easter Eggs)
  • Time based map, with end-game
  • Contains traps - fire, electric fence
  • Online and solo modes

More to follow soon..