Black Ops - Rezurrection Pack Map - New Perks, Guns, Maps

Black Ops - Rezurrection Pack Map - New Perks, Guns, Maps

Posted in black ops

The zombies only map pack for Call of Duty Black Ops comes to Xbox Live in August. Also available later on PC and PS3. Rezzurection contains re-mastered and new zombie maps including a map on the moon! It will also be the last of the map packs for Black Ops.

Rezurrection Map Pack contains

  • A completely new moon level
  • 4 re-masterd zombies maps from World at War; Nacht der Untoten, Verruckt, Shi No Numa and Der Riese.

Those of us who have been playing Call of Duty since its early days know that the introduction of the zombie survival mode was a great addition to the series. World at war included the first zombies map called Nacht der Untoten. Set in a dark, abandon building, the level was pretty small, the zombies were very slow to come out and the guns were limited. However, it was hugely entertaining and the multiplayer survival experience was great. Since that time, the zombies game has improved to include drink perks, gun upgrades, teleporters and alternative zombies such as George and the zombie dogs!!

A re-mastered version of the old zombies maps will be a great addition to the already great zombies collection. But with Spec Ops mode for Modern Warfare 3 just around the corner, we might see the last of the zombies mode for quite a while..

New perks and weapons for moon map

We've got some details on the new guns and perks to expect in the new moon map. They are:

  • Wave Gun - Cooks zombies from the inside out. Probably a high energy gamma ray
  • Quantum Entanglement Device - probably jumping between realities or time shift
  • New Perk – thrice the zombie slaying fun.

How much does the map pack cost

For those that purchased the Hardened or Prestige editions of the game, the 4 re-mastered maps will be free of charge. For those of us that didn't, the map pack will cost the usual 1200 Microsoft points.