Black Ops 2 - Best Scorestreaks (killstreaks)

Black Ops 2 - Best Scorestreaks (killstreaks)

Posted in black ops

BLOPS2 (Black Ops 2) has new killstreaks called Scorestreaks which are earned by killing enemies, capturing flags etc. They include the new hunter killer drone, guardian, war machine, AGR, warthog and many others. We run through the best scorestreaks for pro gamers.

Before we start, it's worth noting that scorestreaks have changed so they're not directly related to the number of kills (or actions). Instead, they're point based with the first scorestreak starting at 325 points for the RC-XD. The highest scorestreak is the Swarm which costs 1400. When you die, your points are reduced to zero and you start collecting them again (same as killstreaks). Forget MW3 and the support packages, once you die these points are gone!

It's also worth pointing out that the new hardline perk will reward you with bonus points. So for example when you capture an enemy flag you gain 250 points rather than the usual 200. If you look at the scorestreaks closely you'll notice that there's a small 25 point jump between most of the low level scorestreaks and a 50/100 point difference between the high level streaks. So a hardline perk will push you into the next scorestreak in a similar manner as Black Ops.

We've been playing BLOPS2 for the past couple of days and we can tell you that the following scorestreaks are the best (see below). We don't believe in the intermediate scorestreaks, as we prefer to get up and running with UAV and then pick our way up to the nasty streaks such as K9 units and VTOL Warships.



The bread and butter scorestreak that any good Black Ops player will utilize. Seeing enemies on the mini map makes it easy to pick off noobs without the ghost perk. You can also guess the spawn point of the enemy by assessing the clustering of enemy players in corners of the map.

Care Package


The old faithful care package is still the best scorestreak because it gives you instant access to some of the more deadly scorestreaks (if you're lucky). The care package only costs a measly 450 points to earn anyway. Of course the downside of the care package is that the enemy can steal your crate if you don't drop it in an intelligent place.

Stealth Chopper


An airborne nuisance, the Stealth Chopper will hunt down enemy players. It's particularly annoying because they'll need to stop and launch a rocket attack to take down the chopper thus giving you more time to take them out while they swap weapons or take aim.

Orbital VSAT


Even better than the UAV this satellite will not only show you player locations but also the direction of movement. It's the same as the old blackbird killstreak.



Black Ops 2 - Lodestar

Similar in everyway to the reaper from MW3. It's easy to pick off enemies thanks to the lazer guided targeting system that comes with the Lodestar. If you've played MW3 you'll know that these lazer guided missiles can swept in through doors using the right technique. Downside is that it's also easy to take this plane down from the sky.

VTOL Warship


Black Ops 2 - VTOL Warship

Now we're getting into the deadly killstreaks that'll really rack up your kills. This guy will allow you to control the gun sights of a seriously deadly warship. Simply pick off your enemies at will as you circle the map from above.



Black Ops 2 - Swarm

Although the K9 unit is a great scorestreak we prefer the Swarm because of how difficult it is to stop the drones. The dogs can be taken out easily with any gun whereas the drones are an airborne nuisance. You'll need pinpoint accuracy to take them down before they take you out. The downside if that this streak requires the highest number of points of all the scorestreaks (1400).